We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Long Valley Middle School
We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Highlights from Last Week
ONCOURSE PORTAL REOPENED: OnCourse reopened last week with finalized MP 1 grades. Please check the OnCourse Portal for more information.
PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Last week was Fall Picture Retakes at LVMS. CLICK HERE for information on ordering pictures from Lors Studio.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Thank you LVMS PTA for hosting the Scholastic Book Fair last week!
Upcoming Dates
11/21- Winter Sports / Club Pictures - during school day
11/23-11/24- LVMS PTA Kendra Scott Fundraiser: More Information Below
11/27- Early Dismissal Day
11/28-11/29- SCHOOL CLOSED - Thanksgiving
12/4- Winter Orchestra Concert 7PM
12/5- Winter Band / Choir Concert 7PM
12/20- Early Dismissal Day
12/23-1/1- SCHOOL CLOSED - Winter Break
CLASS OF 2025 DATES TO REMEMBER: CLICK HERE for a full list of dates to remember for 8th graders.
LVMS Lunch Menus and Information
Daily Announcements
Did you know the daily announcements that are made each morning are also available on our website? Stay informed with what the students hear each morning by visiting our website!
Orders for the 2024-25 LVMS Yearbook are now OPEN!
Early Order Special - Order before January 15, 2025 and the Yearbook is $25.00
Regular Price after 1/15/25 is $30.00
School Code: 4877
8th Grade Ads
The Yearbook Staff at Long Valley Middle School invites you to make a memorable addition to the 2024-25 Yearbook in the form of a WELL WISHER. Some parents surprise their graduate with this gift. All Ads must be purchased by February 15, 2025. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS will be accepted beyond that submission date. Only one ad per student is allowed.
Boys Basketball: Mr. Kyle Kays
Monday: Practice
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Practice
Thursday: Practice
Friday: OFF
Girls Basketball: Ms. Kristin Denny
Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Practice
Wednesday: Practice
Thursday: Practice
Friday: Practice
Check out the LVMS Sports Portal for all schedules / sports team updates.
It's not too late to become a PTA member for the 2024-25 School Year!
Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 7:30 PM in the LVMS Library (additional information / virtual link to be shared later)
Shop online on November 23rd and 24th to support the LVMS PTA! 20% of all sales will be donated to LVMS.
CICK HERE to purchase LVMS Spirit Wear!
This year the LVMS PTA is partnering with GotSneakers as a year-round fundraiser. To participate, simply drop your pairs of used athletic shoes in the available box that will be located in the LVMS lobby starting September 17. If you would like to know more about GotSneakers and their mission to reduce waste, you can read about them here.
Long Valley Middle School
Website: www.wtschools.org
Location: 51 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-876-3434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longvalleyms1
X: @WTSchools
School Day Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:25 PM
LVMS Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
LVMS Principal - Mr. Mark Ippolito
LVMS Asst. Principal - Mr. Michael Mirabella