We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Long Valley Middle School
We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
Highlights from Last Week
MARKING PERIOD 2 GRADES FINALIZED: As of Friday, 1/31, the OnCourse Portal has been reopened with finalized grades for MP#2. Please contact content specific teachers with any questions!
MOVIE NIGHT SUCCESS: Thank you LVMS Student Council for hosting Movie Night last week. A special thanks to the LVMS PTA for helping provide the snacks!
MORRIS COUNTY PROSECUTORS ASSEMBLY: Thank you to Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Samantha DeNegri and Sgt. Patrick LaGuerre from the Morris County Prosecutor's Office for presenting to all LVMS students last week touching on topics of anti-bullying/bias, diversity, and internet safety. CLICK HERE for some additional resources that can be used as talking point with your children about these challenging topics.
Upcoming Dates
2/4- SEPAG Meeting: 7PM LVMS Library
2/6- Pet Therapy Visit LVMS
2/7- 7th & 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance: NJHS Sponsored
2/11- WTS BOE Meeting - 7PM
2/13- PTA Sponsored Casino Night: More Information Below
2/17- ALL WTSCHOOLS CLOSED: Presidents Day
2/19- Quint Chorus Concert: 7PM PAC
2/19- Quint #3 Ends
2/20- LVMS Rock Band Concert: 7 PM PAC
2/20- LVMS PTA Meeting: 7:30 PM LVMS Library / Virtual
2/26- NJHS Annual Student Induction Ceremony
SPRING SPORTS PHYSICALS / PAPERWORK: Paperwork to participate in Spring Sports at LVMS is now available. CLICK HERE / see below for additional information! All paperwork is due by the end of the school day on March 14th.
LVMS Lunch Menus and Information
Daily Announcements
Did you know the daily announcements that are made each morning are also available on our website? Stay informed with what the students hear each morning by visiting our website!
Carter G. Woodson: 1875-1950
the Father of Black History
“No man knows what he can do until he tries.”
History is a story. For a long time, history mainly focused on the achievements of kings, queens, and powerful leaders. In the 18th and 19th centuries, historians began using a more scientific approach, studying evidence to make history more accurate.
Black History Month is a time to remember the struggles and achievements of African Americans in all areas of life, from science and the arts to politics and civil rights. It helps all Americans gain a fuller understanding of history and the role African Americans have played in shaping the country.
Black history is American history.
Throughout the month, our school will recognize the importance of Black Americans in the fabric of our nation through activities relating to the curricula in various content areas.
The NJHS is hosting the annual 7th & 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance!
When: Friday, February 7th
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Additional Info: Tickets will be sold for $10 during lunch periods starting 2/4. Tickets will also be sold at the door.
Orders for the 2024-25 LVMS Yearbook are now OPEN!
Yearbook Price: $30.00 per yearbook
Early Order Special Pricing has ended as of 1/15/25
School Code: 4877
8th Grade Ads
The Yearbook Staff at Long Valley Middle School invites you to make a memorable addition to the 2024-25 Yearbook in the form of a WELL WISHER. Some parents surprise their graduate with this gift. All Ads must be purchased by February 15, 2025. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS will be accepted beyond that submission date. Only one ad per student is allowed.
Students can now sign up for Spring Intramurals Club! Sign ups are open until March 3rd or until the club has full enrollment of 50 students.
More information or permission slips can be found in the Guidance Office or in Room 29.
See Mr. Inskeep or Mrs. Werneke with any questions!
The month of January was filled with energy and creativity in the music department as students and faculty kicked off the new year with a range of exciting events and accomplishments. Here are some highlights:
1. North Jersey Area Band Participation On January 11th, Philip and Cora represented our school proudly at the North Jersey Area Band event this January. Their performances showcased their exceptional talent and dedication, and they gained valuable experience playing alongside some of the region’s finest young musicians. Congratulations to both of them on this achievement!
2. Morris Area Honor Choir On January 18th, Julian, Tobin, and Penelope participated in the Morris Area Honor Choir. Their hard work and outstanding vocal abilities were on full display as they joined other talented singers in this prestigious event.
3. West Morris Area Choir Festival Our 7th and 8th grade choir members took part in the West Morris Area Choir Festival on January 27th. The event was attended by Black River Middle School, Mountain View Middle School, Mendham Township Middle School, West Morris Mendham High School and West Morris Central High School. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for students to perform in a collaborative and inspiring environment, showcasing their growth and enthusiasm for choral music.
4. Joint Concert with West Morris Central High School The 7th and 8th grade band members teamed up with West Morris Central High School for a joint concert on January 29th. The performance was a testament to the dedication of our young musicians and the supportive mentorship of their high school counterparts.
5. Spring Musical Rehearsals Rehearsals for the highly anticipated spring musical Frozen Jr. are now underway. Students are working diligently to bring this year’s production to life, and the excitement is building for what promises to be a fantastic show.
6. Junior Region Orchestra Success Beryl auditioned for the Junior Region Orchestra and was accepted! This remarkable achievement highlights Beryl’s talent and commitment to excellence. Congratulations!
7. LVMS Rocks! The LVMS Rock Band is finishing up rehearsals for their 2025 Concert, which will take place on Thursday February 20th at 7:00 PM in the PAC.
8. Guitar Art Students in 6th, 7th and 8th Grade recently completed projects in their guitar class, being encouraged to think outside the “box” and design their own guitars using recycled materials.
Looking Ahead Penelope Draghi will be auditioning for the Junior Region Choir on February 8th. We wish her the best of luck and know she will make us proud!
The Quint Chorus Concert will be held on February 19th in the PAC.
Thank you to all students, parents, and staff who made January such a memorable month for the music department. Here’s to an even more harmonious February!
Boys Basketball: Mr. Kyle Kays
The Boys Basketball season has concluded. Players should return their washed uniforms to Coach Kays.
Girls Basketball: Ms. Kristin Denny
The girls came in 2nd place overall in the Morris County Group 3 Tournament. Congrats Girls!
Please wash and you return your uniforms to Coach Denny. The end of season party will be Wednesday 2/5 until 4:30pm
Check out the LVMS Sports Portal for all schedules / sports team updates.
Any student that is interested in participating in Spring 2025 Sports at LVMS must submit all required paperwork and physical information by 3:30 PM on Friday, March 14, 2025. Paperwork cannot be accepted after this date. All completed forms can be dropped off at the LVMS Main Office, placed in the locking blue mailbox outside of the main office, or submitted directly to Mrs. Hade, our school nurse.
Physical forms and paperwork should not be submitted directly to the coaches at any point.
Boys Baseball - 7th / 8th Grades
Girls Softball - 7th / 8th Grades
Boys and Girls Track & Field** - 6th - 8th Grades
It's not too late to become a PTA member for the 2024-25 School Year!
CICK HERE to purchase LVMS Spirit Wear!
CASINO NIGHT - February 13, 2025
On February 13, 2025, the LVMS PTA will be hosting our biggest fundraiser of the year! We hope you will join us at The Chandelier at Flanders Valley for an incredible night out. Upon arrival, you will check in, collect your funny money, and find your seat upstairs. You can then grab a drink (wine and beer are included with admission) and head downstairs, where there will be hors d'oeuvres to enjoy while you play casino games from 6:00 to 9:00. If you need a break from the fun downstairs, you can return upstairs to enjoy the buffet-style dinner and photo booth. At the end of the evening, you can cash in your funny money for raffle tickets for a chance to win a prize in the tricky tray portion of the evening. The drawing for those prizes will take place from 9:15 to 10:00 while dessert is being served.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Melanie at brattonmelanie83@gmail.com.
For more information about this event please see the attached flyer or visit Casino Night | My Site. Use the following link to purchase your tickets today! https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/fd0a9fc5-5dd2-4023-9f4b-30a7a378258c
This year the LVMS PTA is partnering with GotSneakers as a year-round fundraiser. To participate, simply drop your pairs of used athletic shoes in the available box that will be located in the LVMS lobby starting September 17. If you would like to know more about GotSneakers and their mission to reduce waste, you can read about them here.
Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the LVMS Library (additional information / virtual link to be shared later)
Long Valley Middle School
Website: www.wtschools.org
Location: 51 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-876-3434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longvalleyms1
X: @WTSchools
School Day Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:25 PM
LVMS Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
LVMS Principal - Mr. Mark Ippolito
LVMS Asst. Principal - Mr. Michael Mirabella