We hope everyone had a great weekend!
Long Valley Middle School
We hope everyone had a great weekend!
Highlights from Last Week
PICKUP PATROL: Please continue to use PickUp Patrol to report student absences, early dismissals, walkers. All Pick up / Walker entrances MUST be submitted by 2:00 PM. Students will be dismissed via the bus if not submitted in PickUp Patrol.
STUDENT DROP OFF / PICK UP PROCEDURES: Don't forget to review our drop off and pick up procedures for students.
Upcoming Dates
9/10- WTS BOE Meeting: 7:00 PM
9/12- 8th Grade Field Trip: See email sent on 8/30 for additional information
9/17- LVMS Back to School Night - 6:00 PM
9/25- LVMS PTA Parent Social - More info below!
10/2- Fall Picture Day!
10/3- SCHOOL CLOSED: Rosh Hashanah
10/8- WTS BOE Meeting: 7:00 PM
10/14- SCHOOL CLOSED for Students - Staff PD
10/24- LVMS PTA Meeting 7:30 PM
LVMS BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Mark your calendar! LVMS will host Back to School Night on Thursday, September 17th at 6:00 PM.
CHROMEBOOK REMINDER: Don't forget to bring your Chromebook to school full charged each day! Limited loaner devices are available.
WELCOME BACK LETTER: CLICK HERE to view a Welcome Back Letter from the LVMS PTA!
LVMS Lunch Menus and Information
Parents are HIGHLY encouraged to register for and create a MealTime Account for their student. Through MealTime families can add money to a student lunch account online and monitor student spending virtually. This method is preferred as it is a cashless option.
Daily Announcements
Did you know the daily announcements that are made each morning are also available on our website? Stay informed with what the students hear each morning by visiting our website!
As we move into September, we encourage all students to become involved with one of our many clubs and activities! Please CLICK HERE to view a full list of clubs / activities offered at LVMS.
Destination Imagination
Are you an out-of-the-box problem solver? Do you want to be part of a competition team to create innovative solutions? Are you interested in: Engineering or Science or Technology or Fine Arts? Then you are perfect for the Destination Imagination Team! Want to know more? Come to the information Meeting Thursday, September 19 after school until 4:15 in Mrs. Bohrer's room 32. If you can't make it or have questions, stop and see Mrs. Bohrer or Mrs. Brown. More details are on Mrs. Bohrer' s website.
LVMS Student Council
Are you a 7th or 8th grader who is Interested in running for a student council officer position?
If interested in becoming a candidate, please sign the sign up sheets outside of Mrs. Zajac‘s (room 14) or Mrs. Abbate’s (room 210) room by Thursday, September 12th.
Our initial interest meeting will be held Friday September 13th during 7th period in room 14. A pass will be provided to your homeroom teacher
Please be aware that the deadline to submit sports physicals / paperwork has passed (8/16/24). Paperwork can no longer be accepted at this point. Only students that have submitted all paperwork and have been cleared by the district physician can participate in tryouts
Check out the LVMS Sports Portal for all schedules / sports team updates.
Any questions can be directed to individual coaches or to Mr. Mitch Schlesinger, LVMS Sports Coordinator
Girls Field Hockey - Ms. Kozimor / Ms. Denny
7th & 8th grade girls intending to tryout should:
Sign up for tryouts (room 9 Ms. Kozimor's Room)
Tryout Dates:
September 9th & 10th until 5:00 PM
Please wear a pinny with a number on the back to tryouts
Girls Soccer - Mr. Demarest
Tryout Dates:
Monday, September 9th
Wednesday, September 11th
Time: 3:30-5:00 PM
Come properly dressed, have water and be sure to have a ride home.
Boys Soccer - Mr. Petrucelli
7th & 8th grade boys intending to tryout should:
Sign up outside Coach Petrucelli´s Room36 and Take/Complete & Return Player form by Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
Tryout Dates:
Tuesday, September 10th
Thursday, September 12th
Time: 3:30-5:00 PM
Come properly dressed w/ cleats, have a water bottle, and be sure to have a ride home.
Boys & Girls Cross Country - Ms. Erbe
Cross Country will continue with practice after school this week. Please meet in the North Gym after dismissal at 3:30 PM. All athletes should be prepared to run, wearing sneakers and the appropriate attire to run in. Reusable water bottles are highly recommended. “Pay to participate” fees are due by this Friday, September 13th. Any questions can be directed to Coach Erbe via email or Google Classroom.
Please arrange for transportation/parent pick-up at 4:45 PM.
CLICK HERE to view a Welcome Back Letter from the LVMS PTA!
The main goal of the LVMS PTA is to support students and staff through academics, funding assemblies, holding social events, and sponsoring staff members by awarding teacher grants. We invite you to join the PTA to be a voice for your child, to help in any capacity that you can and enjoy an incredible year! Please visit the LVMS PTA website to become a PTA Member for the 2024-25 School Year: https://lvms.givebacks.com/store
CICK HERE to purchase LVMS Spirit Wear!
Join the LVMS PTA for a Parents Social on Wednesday 9/25 at 7 pm at OMG Burger! RSVP here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoqTCMHWeMVHI9HYeOZRal3JP5Tw-MppagozLNHsC7i7w2WA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7:30 PM in the LVMS Library (additional information / virtual link to be shared later)
Long Valley Middle School
Website: www.wtschools.org
Location: 51 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-876-3434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longvalleyms1
X: @WTSchools
School Day Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:25 PM
LVMS Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
LVMS Principal - Mr. Mark Ippolito
LVMS Asst. Principal - Mr. Michael Mirabella